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If you don't have $24.95 or the credit card to send it on... then just send half now and half from the money you save from interest/better credit... I really want you to have this information to start you on your path to boosting your credit score.

Or just pay 3 payments of $8.00.

This information will help you.

I believe tha
t you will find my new E-Book "101 Secrets to Boost Credit Scores" so educationally powerful and on the cutting edge with my simple techniques that can dramatically boost your Credit Scores to help you get that new home or car, that I am willing to offer you an iron clad 45 day money back guarantee!

Here is my Guarantee- I am so confident that your scores will increase within 45 days (Note- Typically your scores will increase within a few days of following my techniques, however my guarantee is for 45 days) Just provide me documentation of what your 3 credit scores were within 24hrs. of ordering this E-Book and again on the 45th day. If your credit scores have not increased by following my techniques, and you can prove to me that you followed my steps, I will give you double your money back!

You have nothing to lose and only FICO Score to Boost!